

Hi there—I’m Evie, a service designer and experience strategist with a passion for working on complex problems with social impact.

Innovative change is an incremental and challenging process; I help organizations imagine new possibilities and futures by applying human-centered design practices into unexpected spaces and coach clients through the process of design thinking. My professional career spans across experience strategy, service design, and creative direction for startups and Fortune 500 companies.

My 2019 MFA Thesis at the School of Visual Arts titled “Alexa, Help Me Be a Better Human: Redesigning Conversational AI for Emotional Connection” unpacks the hidden biases of AI-powered products and services and has been featured in Quartz, Adobe XD Ideas, and the podcast Invisible Forces

I believe that at its best, design is never the destination, but rather the vehicle. It is a tool to amplify others’ voices, co-create a new world, and enable social change. As designers, it is our role to consider not just the intended outcomes, but also the consequences. It is our responsibility to question the status quo and imagine paradigm shifts; and to transform the imagined into tangible, conspicuous change.